ABL Asset Management Company Limited

Getting Started

Getting Started


Getting Started.

 Investing is not complex! We are here to help you in getting started with ABL Funds and guide you on managing your investments just at your fingertips. 

Since we recognize the importance of professional investment advice, we’d recommend you talk to an investment advisor prior to making any investment decisions. To schedule an appointment with our Investment Advisors,  call us at 042-111-225-262 or SMS INVEST to 8262 .


Investing Process


Select The Right Investment Solution(s)


Making the right selection of investments is an important task. To assist you in making the right investment choice, please go through the following goals and the investment solutions we offer.

Are you saving for long term wealth creation?


If you are a young professional at the beginning of your career, you may seek long term wealth creation. Our equity funds with an investment horizon of at least 3-5 years will help you to achieve your goals.

You can consider following options:

  • ABL Stock Fund (ABL SF) is suitable if you are looking for capital appreciation and long term wealth creation. Learn more about ABL Stock Fund 
  • ABL Islamic Stock Fund (ABL ISF) is also an Equity investment avenue which offers an opportunity for long term wealth creation and capital appreciation in a Shariah Compliant manner. Learn more about ABL Islamic Stock Fund 

Are you saving for Retirement?

  • ABL Funds offers you Retirement Plan option in both conventional and Shariah Complaint categories- ABL Pension Fund and ABL Islamic Pension Fund which will help you plan for retirement with financial freedom. For Details
  • Get to know more about ABL Pension Fund
  • Get to know more about ABL Islamic Pension Fund

Do You Need Stability and Income?

  • If you are looking for an investment option that offers stability and reasonable return, we have perfect solution in the form of ABL Government Securities Fund. Learn more about ABL Government Securities Fund.

Are you saving for any other Financial Objective?

  • ABLAMC Financial Planner provides you an opportunity to save for various objectives Home, Hajj, Education and Marriage. Find out more about how ABLAMC Financial Planner can help you reach your goals

To gain a better understanding and determining your investment and risk profile, learn more about how to select the right investment options Learn more about your financial goals and risk tolerance by using our Risk Profile Calculator


Carefully Read The Offering Document of Your Selected Fund(s)


You are advised to carefully read the  offering document of your selected fund before making any investment.


Select Suitable Account Type


Download the suitable account opening form

Collect Account Opening Form from our ABL Funds Savings Centers Offices Collect Account Opening Form from the nearest ABL Funds Savings Centers

Collect Account Opening Form from Allied Bank Branches Collect Account Opening Form from your nearest Allied Bank Branch


    • For individuals / Sole Proprietorships
      • Account Opening Form (duly filled)
      • Investment application form
      • Copy of CNIC/NICOP/POC/Passport
      • Business / Employment Proof (Employment Card with Designation/ Visiting Card/ Declaration by Employer of his/her employment)
      • Any other Document as proof of his/her source of funds
      • Zakat Affidavit
      • W-9 Form / W-8 Form (where applicable, in case of individual)
      • Copy of Swift / transfer slip
      • W-9 Form / W-8 Form ((where applicable, in case of joint account holder)
      • CRS Form (individual / joint account holder)
      • Copy of Fund Transfer Slip or Demand Draft or FTT or SWIFT message
    • For Companies/Trust/Statutory/Corporate Bodies (for first time investors or in case of any amendments in these documents)
      • Account Opening Form (duly filled)
      • Investment application form
      • CTC of Memorandum & Articles of Association/Bye Laws/Trust Deed.
      • List of Directors on Form “A” / Form “B” issued under companies act, 2017 as applicable.
      • CTC List of Trustees / Partners (with CNIC/NICOP/Passport copy).
      • CNIC/NICOP/Passport (s) of all Directors / Trustees / Partners.
      • Form – 29 where applicable.
      • Board Resolution authorizing to open / investment and to operate the account.
      • List of authorized signatories with specimen signature.
      • Copy of CNIC/NICOP/Passport of Authorized Signatory.
      • Investment Remittance advice.
      • CTC of W-9 Form (if US based entity) or W-8 BENE (other than US based entity).
      • Appropriate Tax Residency self-certification Form (CRS form)
      • CTC of Passport/CNIC or NICOP (in case of non-resident or resident Pakistanis) of Authorized Signatory(ies).
      • CTC of Latest Audited annual financial statements.
      • Valid tax exemption certificate issued by Federal Board of Revenue, Pakistan (if any)
      • Approval / Recognition certificate (if any).

 Note:  All of the above documents must be valid on date of submission of this form.

Once the Investor Account has been opened, a Folio No. will be allotted which would be used for all future investment and others transactions in ABL Funds. Simultaneously, after account opening, we will also send you a welcome letter and your account statement confirming your investments with us.


Fill out the suitable application form


For every subsequent investment only investment application form is to be provided along with the investment instrument.

Or complete the appropriate application in case of Redemption or Fund to Fund Transfer.


Sending Your Application Package To Us


The cheque will be made in favor of the Trustee (Central Depository Company for all Conventional Fund and MCB Financial Services Limited for all Shariah Compliant products) along with the title of the Fund. For instance; investment in ABL Cash Fund (ABL CF) will be made in favor of CDC Trustee ABL Cash Fund or investment in ABL Islamic Stock Fund (ABL ISF) will be made in favor of MCBFSL Trustee ABL Islamic Stock Fund. The form along with the investment/contribution instrument will be sent to:

 Manager Operations
ABL Asset Management Company Limited
 Building No. 48-L, DHA Phase-VI, 
 Lahore, Pakistan. 

  • You can also visit us in person for investment or any other account related matter at our  savings centers or Allied Bank branches  across Pakistan
  • For Investment Advisor’s assistance, you can SMS INVEST @ 8262 or for any queries or assistance please write to us at contactus@ablfunds.com
  • If you wish to transact online after the account opening, you can also opt, Online Services – Web Portal (for investment, redemption and fund to fund transfer for all ABL Funds’s investors)

Transactions To Choose From


After Account Opening, you can easily manage your account and perform various transactions as per the requirement. If you need further assistance, we will be more than happy to facilitate you at 042-111-225-262.

What are you looking for?


Additional investment


You can make additional investments in the scheme that you are currently invested in and also make fresh investments in other schemes that we offer.


Withdrawal/ Redemption


You can withdraw money from your account at any time. You have the option to withdraw the complete amount/units or specific amount/units based on your requirements.

  • Make this transaction online with our  Online Services – Web Portal Facility 
  • For Tele Redemption facility (Redemption through IVR) ,you can contact our Customer Care Center at UAN No. 042-111-225-262 from your registered mobile number and follow the instructional steps.
  • Or you can fill out the Redemption Form

Fund to Fund Transfer


You can move money from a scheme that you are currently invested in to any of the other schemes that we offer. This is called a fund to fund transfer transaction.


Transfer of Units


You can transfer the amount from your investment account to any other investment account (held with ABL Funds). You have the option to transfer the complete amount/units or specific amount/units based on your requirements.


Pledging of investment account


You can pledge the units held in your account as collateral to avail financing from a financial institution. You can pledge the entire/specific units of your account as per your requirements. This facility is offered with selected investment schemes.

  • To make this transaction you need to fill out the Pledge Form

Transaction Timings


The cut-off timings for submission of your application forms are mentioned below for all of our products

Business Days:  Monday to Friday 
Cut-Off Timing For Investment, Redemption, Conversion, Transfer & Pledge Transactions:  Monday to Friday: 4:00 p.m. 


Systematic Investment Plans


Mutual Funds provide you an opportunity to conveniently save up for your long term goals at your ease? All you need to do is invest regularly!

Investing Regularly through SIPs


Small steps can take you a long way! 

Make a Wise decision & Start SIP TODAY 

Dreams can only be achieved if you work towards them. Even building wealth is no different; it is built– Step by Step.

There is strong connection between Disciplined Investing and Long Term wealth creation? Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) is a systematic investment strategy offered by Mutual Funds to Investors, which  allows them to invest equal amounts of money in regular and fixed intervals. Such systematic approaches helps inculcate the good habit of disciplined investing which is useful for long-term wealth creation and protection.

SIP is a simple method of investing used across the world. Our earnings, expenses and savings are mostly regular and recurring. Therefore it is wise to INVEST too regularly.

Formula for Wealth Creation is simpler than you think. Have a look at it:

Starting Early + Investing Regularly = Wealth creation


Benefits of SIP


Small and regular investment


Systematic Investment Plan helps you achieve your bigger financial goals even with a small sum of amount invested every periodic interval. SIP is lighter on your wallet. It allows you to invest a small amount as per your wallet size with as low as Rs. 1,000/- with periodic intervals of investments such as weekly, fortnightly, monthly, quarterly. It is a simple and affordable way for beginners to start investing in Mutual Fund Schemes.


Disciplined Investment


Investors often fail to maintain the habit of investing over the period of time. A dedicated approach and focus is the key to any investment. As the name says, systematic investment plan is a system to invest a particular amount regularly. This naturally brings a discipline to your investing habits. Inculcating a habit of investing with a regular investment of a small sum is practically much easier than investing lump sum amount every year. It is recommended to start an SIP if you haven’t yet inculcated the discipline of investing.


Power of compounding


The biggest force that drives investments ahead is the power of compounding. Although, systematic investments are smaller, investors can benefit higher with the power of compounding. Starting to invest early can build opportunities of higher returns. Simply, the small amounts that you invest every month generate returns over the invested period and simultaneously the return generated upon the previous investment gets added to your new investments. An amount of Rs. 2000/- invested every month for 5 years with an assumption of 10% CAGR will generate Rs. 1,56,165. Explore more about SIP investment amounts required to reach your goals with Investment Growth Calculator.


Rupee cost averaging


Timing the market is impossible! Rupee Cost Averaging is an investment technique applied to regular fixed instalments in a mutual fund scheme. As the amount is fixed and regular, more units are bought when the NAV is low and lesser units are bought when the NAV is high. Through this mechanism, the investment risk is spread across market movements.

By the very nature, markets are volatile and hence it makes sense to spread your investments to benefit from the lows that occur frequently. SIPs are not a magical potion; however with SIPs one can automate the entire investment process and delink sentiment from investing. This allows you to benefit from rupee cost averaging and provides optimal returns.


How to Start Investing Through SIP?


If you have been thinking of starting to invest in Mutual Fund, SIP is an ideal way to start. Write to us at  contactus@ablfunds.com or call us on 042-111-225-262.

You can start hassle free SIP by providing by one time investment instruction to debit your bank account for payment of SIP transaction.

Your account will be automatically debited every month or quarter as instructed by you and the proceeds will be utilized for allotment of units of the mutual fund scheme of your choice.