ABL Asset Management Company Limited

CSR Initiatives

CSR Initiatives

CSR Initiatives

At ABL Funds we have a firm belief to work in an ethical environment and in giving back to the communities we live in to benefit the society at large. We endeavor to remain as a socially responsible institution to be considered as a reliable and trust worthy investment partner at all times.

For us Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is deeply integrated into our business strategy including how our business relates to the environment and society more broadly. We promote a culture of responsibility through the values, ethics, people, and practices. We strive to integrate the business operations and values so that the interests of ABL Funds investors, employees and communities are reflected in company policies and the actions we take every day.

We believe that our customers always come first, that we respect each other, and that integrity and honesty come above all, ultimately making them the cornerstones of our corporate culture. At ABL Funds, we are committed to maintain and continuously improve our culture of customer service, respect and integrity. It can be seen in the way we value ethics, people, and the environment.

Ethics, Integrity and Transparency

ABL Funds success depends on the ability to maintain the trust and respect of customers and employees. We are the second in AMC in Pakistan to be Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS) compliant and continue to do so which promotes transparency and accuracy of the communicated information to our investors.

The Environment

At ABL Funds, we recognize the importance of safe environment that is closely linked to the welfare of our community at large. ABL Funds is committed to protect the environment and embrace principles of environmental responsibility in our everyday business practices. In this regard, the company has taken a couple of technology related initiatives to promote a paperless environment.

Quality Assurance Measures

We are committed to provide world-class quality products and services to our customers and are very much concerned about the protection of our investors’ interest. Staff at customer care department is trained to specially ensure adherence to customer privacy and safeguard of information, while dealing with sensitive material.

Regular training sessions are conducted for sales teams; call centers staff and other front-end staff on “Customer Service Excellence” & “Compliance and Regulatory Requirements Related Policies”.

Donations and Charities

ABL Funds in one of its kind initiative has joined hands with The Indus Hospital, Karachi to raise funds for them through its platform to support this noble cause of philanthropic healthcare aimed at helping underprivileged segments of our society.

ABL Funds has also collaborated with has joined hands with The Citizens Foundation to provide free education to underprivileged children across Pakistan. We are purposeful to magnify TCF’s impact on their lives of millions of children for whom the prospect of proper education still remains a distant dream. ABL Funds is also standing with the TCF in collecting donations so these children can go to school with the belief that they can transform the future for themselves, their families and their communities.