ABL Asset Management Company Limited

Announcement - Interim Distribution of ABL CF and ABL SSF - Plan IV for the period ended July 30, 2021

We are pleased to inform you that Chief Executive Officer of ABL Funds Company Limited (ABL FundsL) on behalf of the Board of Directors has approved the following interim distribution:

ABL Cash Fund (ABL CF)


An interim dividend of Re. 0.0635 per unit (0.64 % of face value of Rs.10) for the period ended August 01, 2021


ABL Special Savings Fund – Plan IV (ABL SSF – IV)


An interim dividend of Re. 0.0741 per unit (0.74 % of face value of Rs.10) for the period ended July 30, 2021.

The above entitlement will be distributed to the unit holders whose name appeared in the register of unit holders of ABL CF & ABL SSF - IV at the close of business day on Friday July 30, 2021.

Unit Holders who have opted for cash pay-out will receive cash dividend while unit holders who have opted for bonus will be allocated bonus units in accordance with their entitlement for the distribution announced above.

Yours truly


For ABL Funds Company Limited


Saqib Matin

Company Secretary