ABL Asset Management Company Limited


Karachi: ABL Funds (ABL Funds) & The Citizen Foundation (TCF) have joined hands to empower the lives of millions of underprivileged children for whom the prospect of a proper education is a distant dream. An MoU was signed between the two organizations whereby ABL Funds will utilize its distribution network to raise and manage donated funds for TCF to achieve a common goal i.e. investing in our future generation.

TCF, a non-profit organization set up in 1995, has dedicated itself to bring about the much needed positive change in our society. With a network of over one thousand two hundred schools all across Pakistan, TCF focuses on providing quality education to over 175,000 needy students through purpose-built schools located in the heart of Pakistans urban slums and rural communities.

Any individual or organization, wishing to contribute for this noble cause in the shape of Zakat or Donation can put a minimum contribution of Rs. 1,000/- in the TCF accounts maintained at ABL Funds. The money thus raised will be utilized by TCF to open and maintain schools as well as provide books and scholarships to deserving children.

ABL Funds is a wholly owned subsidiary of Allied Bank. It is rated AM2+ by JCR-VIS which denotes "High Management Quality" and is the only AMC in Pakistan which is both ISO 27001 certificated & GIPS compliant. ABL Funds funds have consistently ranked amongst the top performers in their respective categories. The company offers both Islamic and conventional products and is currently managing funds of around Rs 3,500 crores.