An asset allocation fund provides investors with a diversified portfolio of investments across several asset classes. The asset allocation of the fund can be fixed or variable among a mix of asset classes. Popular asset categories for asset allocation funds include stocks, bonds and cash equivalents.
Scheme Name | ABL Islamic Asset Allocation Fund |
Categorization | Open-end Islamic Asset Allocation Scheme |
Date of Inception | May 31, 2018 |
Fund Size | PKR 1,000 Mn. as at February 28th 2025 |
Objective of the scheme | To earn a potentially high return through Asset Allocation between Shariah Compliant Equity, Fixed Income and Money Market Instruments and any other Shariah Compliant instruments as permitted by the SECP and Shariah Advisor. |
Benchmark | Weighted average daily return of KMI 30 Index and 6M average Deposit rates of three A rated (and above) scheduledIslamic Banks or Islamic Banking windows of scheduled commercial banks based on actual proportion of Investment in Equity & Fixed Income |
Minimum Investment Amount | Initial Rs.5,000 (Subsequent Rs. 1,000) |
Lock-In Period | None |
Management Fee | 2% p.a |
Entry Load | Upto 3% |
Exit Load | None |
Systematic Investment Plan Facility | Yes |
Particulars | FY 24 | FY 23 | FY 22 | FY 21 | FY 20 | FY 19 | FY 18 |
ABL Islamic Asset Allocation Fund Returns | 21.69% | 15% | 8.76% | 8.10% | 6.86% | (1.09%) | 0.07% |
Benchmark Returns | 0.91% | 6.3% | 3.40% | 3.66% | 11.94% | (5.01%) | (0.02%) |